Saturday, April 24, 2010

I've got my own photographer.

Yea, you heard me. I've got my own photographer that follows me around and documents my skateboarding adventures because I'm such a bad ass. Actually, Zak came out to shoot a few photos the other day and helped me realize something. I suck at skateboarding. Honestly, I can't wait for summer to get here so I can skate more and get better! Thanks for the pics Zak, can't wait until you can skate again. I think I'm telling myself to quit at this point.
It took about 500 tries to get this grind, and it isn't even picture worthy!

Art fag shot.


I already have one unicorn tattoo. Would it kill me to have another one? Probably not, especially if a rocket launching robot is riding it.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh dam!

Amalie and I made the trek up to Bonneville Dam on Sunday to check out the fish ladder. She loves fish, and all animals for that matter, and especially loves going on "adventures" as she likes to call them.
"Look at the fish daddy!"

The water was a little murky but it didn't stop Ami from trying to "grab the fishies tail".

Why is that shadow always following me?

And of course no adventure would be complete without a trip to the park.

Getting (jack)hammered!

I went over to Tif & Kyle's house on Saturday because they were in need of a jackhammer to break up their patio. I had Amalie with me so I figured I would just drop it off, laugh at Kyle for a bit, then be on my way. I soon realized that he would be out there working for the remainder of the weekend if I didn't lend a hand. Plus, him and Tif made an amazing lunch so I owed them a little labor!
This is Kyle getting started on the slab. He realized quickly that the jackhammer was no joke.

This is the aftermath.

That is the pile of rubble. I suggested sticking a hose in the middle of it and calling it a fountain.

And that is where we ended up. By the way, they're building a deck.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

three zero.

Lance Mountain is pushing 46 years old and still slaying it.
I hit a milestone of sorts the other day, I made it to 30. I struggled with the thought of turning 30 for a while, but then I looked at my hobbies and realized I'm just a kid. I try to skate a couple of times per week, I ride my bicycle when the weather allows, and I actually spent Saturday up at the mountain slashing pow lines with Zak all day! So in some ways not a lot has changed over the years. The amount of time I spend doing fun things is definitely limited, and my body hurts a lot more as the years pass. But I look to people like Homan and Joey, who both still charge just as hard as they did when I met them. I don't think age has slowed either of those guys down! It's just a frame of mind, don't let it hold you back.