Tuesday, April 6, 2010

three zero.

Lance Mountain is pushing 46 years old and still slaying it.
I hit a milestone of sorts the other day, I made it to 30. I struggled with the thought of turning 30 for a while, but then I looked at my hobbies and realized I'm just a kid. I try to skate a couple of times per week, I ride my bicycle when the weather allows, and I actually spent Saturday up at the mountain slashing pow lines with Zak all day! So in some ways not a lot has changed over the years. The amount of time I spend doing fun things is definitely limited, and my body hurts a lot more as the years pass. But I look to people like Homan and Joey, who both still charge just as hard as they did when I met them. I don't think age has slowed either of those guys down! It's just a frame of mind, don't let it hold you back.


  1. First of all...The opening photo rules. She Can Fly!

    Second ...Lance is the man. Better now than back in the Bones Brigade. His stylish R&Rlls and flat handplants were something to aspire to. When I hit 30 Leal ,Matt, and Chuck gave me a card they made with cutouts of McGrath whippin it and it said "Happy Birthday, We Heard 30 Was The Sideways Year, You Bent A Lot Of Bars Getting Here. "
    I still try to whip it harder every time I ride.Not quite Windam or Potter style but I'm trying.

  2. Yea, that kid is up for just about anything that she'll get a rush from! Tell Miki I'm breeding her to be the next WMA champ. I'm going to put ton's of pressure on her and make her race, even when she's over it at 12 years old! I'm kidding, of course.

    I think we've all bent plenty of bars getting to where we are at, literally and figuratively. I didn't even really find my passion for skateboarding until last summer when I built my mini ramp. Now I can't imagine not skating. I truly believe that age is a frame of mind. My grandpa was still twisting the throttle pretty hard into his 70's. I hope we can do the same!
